What My Clients Say

A yellow white butterfly with one brown spot in the middle of its wings sits on a vertical stem of a bright green plant with thin whispy leaves and tall stems that have round light purple flowers with thin string like petals around their centers

Our philosophy

Gardens are a place where we can find peace, joy, and healthy snacks. Leaf & Bed believes that gardening can be done anywhere, by anyone: It can be accessible to everyone, regardless of schedules, needs, and home or business habitat conditions.

We share our knowledge, experience, and research so you can fit gardening into your life and achieve the following:

Learn your plants to create conditions they will thrive in.

Understand your home’s environment so you can use it effectively or adjust conditions as needed.

Identify your personal habits and needs so you can choose materials and methods that work for you.

Increase your confidence as a gardener and plant parent.

Founder and Principal Garden Partner Concetta Gibson works together with clients to create successful gardens of any size and kind that fit into your life. We’ll discuss your interests, establish your goals, and find the right plants and care plan for you and your home or business habitat.

Your Principal Garden Partner

Leaf & Bed Founder Concetta Gibson, CBLP, is a former earth and environmental science educator, lifelong learner, home gardener, plant nerd, and nature lover. Concetta’s interest and knowledge of gardening started with herbs and fruit trees from her grandmother and parents. Today, the Gibson household is filled inside and out with plants of all shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors.

An ecosystems approach

Leaf & Bed takes an ecology focus to your outdoor beds and indoor houseplants. When we recognize plants as living organisms that have their own needs and relationships with everything around them, we can establish effective ways to care for our gardens and reconnect with nature in healthy ways.

This is where the name comes from: Your garden partner can help you reframe the world around you as one place of interconnected features and support your garden experience from bed-to-leaf.

Get started with your free consultation today!