A white insect with gray translucent wings and horizontal brown stripes sits on a bright green rose leaf with pink pointy edges and beads of water around it

“In nature nothing exists alone.”


Available Coaching Topics

  • Custom

    Work with a garden partner on your own specific topics, questions, and needs.

  • Creating Wildlife/Bay-Friendly Gardens

    Bring an ecology focus to your gardens from bed to leaf. Discuss beneficial methods and species that can transform your garden or lawn into a space balanced with the environment while keeping it aesthetically pleasing. Includes basic information about creating a NWF Wildlife Habitat Garden or other sustainable garden certifications.

  • Houseplant Help

    Indoor growing conditions can be tricky for picky plants, so work with a garden partner to keep your space plant-friendly. Decide how to properly utilize the space you have, how to modify it to keep your plants happy, and how to care for the species you love. Includes when and how to give your plants some fresh air.

  • Get Back to Gardening

    Get those empty pots and garden beds in tip-top shape! Fit gardening back into your life by working with a garden partner to choose manageable plants you will love, and create a convenient care and harvest schedule that works for your life.

  • Starting Your Garden

    Get help starting your gardening hobby or a new garden space. Work with a garden partner to decide a layout, choose plants, and plan out your care and harvesting. Great for new gardeners, first-time houseplant parents, and those living in a new growing zone.

  • Seed Starting and Saving

    Work with a garden partner to choose the plants you want, learn about each seed’s germination needs, and set up your seedlings for success. Great for winter planning, early growing season, or those getting a later start to the growing season.

  • Garden Design Basics

    Learn how to create your own custom garden designs digitally or by hand. Includes low-to-no cost options for drafting layouts, choosing your design style, and some of the basic factors to consider when choosing plants and layouts.

  • Accessible Gardening

    Work with a garden partner to develop adaptive methods and tools to make gardening more comfortable for your unique needs. Great for people who have physical or cognitive considerations, or want to find less expensive ways to do their hobby.